I hope your holidays were fabulous & you got everything you wished for this season!
It's the time of year where everyone takes a hard look at themselves & how they do things...resolving to do better. By now--the 9th--a lot of resolutions have already gone by the wayside!
In my case, I'm actually about to start on my first resolution with this post, and I'm counting on all of you to help me keep it. I've been told repeatedly over the last month or so by a number of friends, fellow photographers, and clients that they count on this blog to help keep track of what's going on not only in my business, but in my life. Needless to say, the frequency of posting hasn't kept up as of late, and I'm in big trouble because of it.
All I can say is, it's nice to feel loved. :)
The second half of the issue is actually just personal. When you convert from a hobby you love to a practicing profession, you tend to lose sight of why you enjoyed the hobby in the first place. In my case, the cameras really haven't been coming out unless I'm shooting for clients, and I find that I miss just shooting for me.
So here's my resolution--I pledge to post much more frequently than in the past, with a goal of at least twice a week. And to work on the second issue, I'll be posting more photos at random, setting myself photo assignments on occasion, and taking the camera along on some of the weird & wonderful happenings in my life that have nothing at all to do with weddings and portraits.
Love the idea? Hate it? Topics ranging from life, the universe, and everything that you think I should blog about? Drop me a line through comments & let me know!