Yes, this post is delayed, I'm procrastinating on my current post processing while watching the current game. :)
This is the second year we've gone Opening Day at Safeco Field here in Seattle. Last year, we were way up in the nosebleed seats--literally in the very last row!-- freezing our rears off. Safeco has a retractable roof, and believe me, there was no way they were opening it! This year was completely different. While it wasn't exactly warm, it was sunny for most of the day and this field is a spectacular place to be when it's nice out. And of course, when the Mariners are winning! Especially against the A's.
I wasn't sure what I was going to be allowed to bring in, as Safeco has extremely vague rules on photography posted to their website. To be safe, I only brought the 12-24mm wide angle and my 85mm telephoto....with a 2x converter to make it twice the length. Given the number of white lenses I saw, next time I'm renting a 100-400!
But it was a terrific game & I did get a few shots I particularly liked.
GO M's!!!!!!
The Safeco Field grounds crew does an amazing job of "decorating" the field for Opening Day.

The Opening ceremony included a display of the colors at second base.

The three below were all after the game started. I was particularly pleased to catch the ball in motion in the pics with starting pitcher Felix Hernandez & first baseman Richie Sexson.

The grounds crew usually hams it up somewhere around the 5th inning. This was to "Old Time Rock & Roll" by Bob Seeger.
And this guy had the ULTIMATE white lens! LOL